Friday, September 21, 2018

Penis plugs are among the most popular urethral toys. They are reliable, versatile and suitable for many different users – both newbies and experienced. One of the best things about penis plugs compared to urethral sounds is that there are so many different designs you can use.

Also, penis plugs are typically smaller than urethral sounds so it can make them very comfortable. This comfort often makes people wonder if it’s possible to keep a penis plug on for long periods of time.

Many people wonder if they can keep a penis plug on for long periods of time. There is no easy answer to this question. 
Since there are so many different designs of penis plugs, there are many different comfort levels based on the individual. What works for me may or may not for you! What I like you may or may not!!! No real math to any form of pleasure.

If you wish to wear your penis plug for long periods of time, there are some things you need to keep in mind.

The short answer is that it depends. It depends on your body and on the design of a penis plug. Generally speaking, there are some penis plugs that can be left inside for longer periods of time. Typically, urethral toys are inserted only for the purpose of pleasure during masturbation or sex and they are taken out after a session is over. However, there are some people who wish to wear their urethral toys for longer all day. Thats what the glans ring is for to keep it from falling to the floor!!

Since urethral sounds are typically more intense, longer and bigger, they are not suitable for long-term wear. Penis plugs, on the other hand, are shorter, smaller and typically gentler. This makes them less overwhelming and more suitable to be inserted for longer periods of time.

In this sense, yes, it is possible to keep a penis plug on for long periods of time. This can include hours or even days. Some people leave their penis plugs inside overnight. There are many fans of urethral stimulation who wear their penis plugs under the clothes when they go to work. These people manage to wear penis plugs for long periods of time without a problem.

However, not all penis plugs are suitable for long-term wear. This is something you need to keep in mind at all times. In order to be able to keep your penis plug inside for hours or more, it has to allow for a good comfort and for a free flow of urine. Otherwise, you don’t be able to wear it for longer periods of time.

Characteristics of a Penis Plug for a Long Wear
Can You Keep a Penis Plug on for Long Periods of Time In order to wear your penis plug for long periods of time, it has to fulfill certain requirement. Keep this in mind when choosing your urethral toy for a long-term wear.

In order to keep a penis plug on for long periods of time, such a plug has to be:

- Hollow. A “cum-through” hole will allow for urination and ejaculation

- Short. The plug has to be relatively short so it is not overwhelming

- Classic. A classic penis plug with a nicely tapered tip and a short, smooth body is very comfortable

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